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The MILWAUKEE® MX FUEL™ cordless system revolutionises the light equipment market by delivering the performance, run time, and durability demanded by the trades without the hazards associated with emissions, noise, vibration, and the frustrations of petrol maintenance.

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Now with over 25 solutions, the MX FUELâ„¢ Equipment System provides equivalent petrol, corded and pneumatic performance while producing ZERO EMISSIONS.



MX FUELâ„¢ FORGEâ„¢ is designed to enhance your light equipment with improved performance, power and run time. The MX FUELâ„¢ FORGEâ„¢ batteries provide increased productivity for every application, with less downtime due to 2x faster charging.

The cost of running battery powered equipment is a lot cheaper than the cost of running petrol equipment, the same way as an electric vehicle is cheaper to run than a hybrid car, no matter where you are in the world.

Comparing the MX FUEL™ Light Equipment System to its direct competitors, the MX FUEL™ Cut-Off Saw can save an average user more than €240, the Breaker more than €1,700, and the Tower Light more than €1,800 in just one year******.

It’s not just about the cost saving of not having to buy fuel, there are also maintenance costs that can be saved. With petrol equipment there are many parts that can break, such as spark plugs, fuel filters, carburettors, air filters, drive belts and starter cords. There are also many potential issues around mixing fuel for 2-stroke engines, missing the exact ratio and forgetting to add engine oil. These can all be costly issues.

Alternatively, MX FUELâ„¢ is powered by a POWERSTATEâ„¢ brushless electric motor. The Electric motors do not need a lot of maintenance, as they have very few wearing parts and compared to a petrol engine, there is no risk of incorrect usage or maintenance.

The cordless revolution is just beginning for the light equipment market. Continued investments in cordless technology are now unlocking the capability to eliminate emissions and reduce the noise, vibration, petrol maintenance and overall risks associated with current petrol and power-corded light equipment—profoundly impacting the End User’s safety and productivity.

The solutions we are currently seeing in the market are powered by combustion engines which emit gasses such as CO2, SO2, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter. Some of these gasses are greenhouse gasses that contribute to climate change, while others are just harmful to humans and the general environment. We can already see examples where governments are already pushing for emission-less alternatives and we could see zero-emission jobsites emerging as soon as 2025.

With this in mind, the MX FUELâ„¢ range is the future for professional users. The MX FUELâ„¢ Cut-Off Saw can save more than 332.28 kg in CO2 from being released into the atmosphere in one year, compared to direct petrol-driven competitors**. The MX FUELâ„¢ Breaker can help save more than 2433.60 kg of CO2***, and the MX FUELâ„¢ Tower Light more than 4061.57 kg of CO2 over just one year****.

To equate these measures into an every-day scenario, an average user’s white van traveling for 10,000 km a year emits roughly 907 kg of CO2*****. These MX FUEL™ solutions will disrupt the industry, taking that one step closer to a greener, safer and more productive jobsite.

Zero Emissions is not only about the environment. With MX FUELâ„¢ being ZERO EMISSIONS there are no limitations on where to work. Users can now work indoors, in trenches, in tunnels or even in mines, without any headaches.

Compared to direct petrol-driven competitors, the MX FUEL™ Equipment System has less vibration and a lot less noise. The new MX FUEL™ Breaker is designed with a new AVS mechanism to further mitigate the overall vibrational impact on users’ bodies. The design separates the head of the unit from the striking mechanism, further separating the user from the point of impact. Cut-off saws, generators and tow-behind lights commonly create more noise on the jobsite due to their engines. By eliminating those petrol engines, the overall noise on the jobsite generated by equipment like this is distinctly reduced.

Petrol on the jobsite brings a lot of safety concerns. It consumes time and money due to special requirements for their storage and transportation. Due to their nature, it is never 100% safe to have highly flammable petrol on the jobsite.

Another safety concern is the tool idling. When using a petrol cut-off saw its most likely a user will put the tool down between cuts rather than turning it off. Due to the engine vibration, the tool can collide with something nearby or fall off a ledge causing injury to the user and/or others. With the MX FUEL™ ‘push to activate’ button integrated in all solutions in the range, this results in massive set up time savings for the user, meaning the user never needs to leave the tool idling as the tool can be started in seconds every time. MX FUEL™ also eliminates the need for petrol on the jobsite which means: no mixing, no risk of spilling fuel over the tool, no moving while idling and just in general a safer jobsite.

One of the biggest user frustrations is wasting time setting up without cutting or breaking anything, spending time without doing the job they are getting paid for.

The refilling of a petrol cut-off saw takes a long time, especially if we compare to how quick it could be by inserting a battery, pressing the start button, pulling the trigger and we are ready to cut. That starting process is something users may need to do maybe 10 times a day, unless they want to keep their tool idling all day. Doing that 10 times a day, they will start to feel that in their arms. However with this MX FUELâ„¢ technology, there is the potential to save a lot of time and time is money.

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